Hollywood Undead - Manchester Academy 22.04.2016
Tonight's openers are Atlanta Metal heads Attila. With their rap infused hip-hop rock that also includes some good old electro for good measure, this band sit on the proverbial fence of genres and that's what makes them so much fun to witness. They have a musical style that can present an audience of different tastes at least one song they might enjoy. As a lover of many genres myself, they just clicked with me from the get go. They took to the stage and instantly began with their onslaught. What followed was a blistering half hour set, intertwined with some brilliant stage banter that included the desire to f**k an audience members puppet and the insistence that the show wouldn't continue until the act has taken place. With constant cries for mosh pits, crowd surfing with the offered reward of a high five from lead singer Chris Linck and unified jumping, this felt more like a giant party than an opening act. Wether everyone was on board with the bands sound or not, there is no denying that everyone present certainly had a great time.
Next up is the reason we are all here. Taking to the stage to a resounding cheer from the sold out room, Hollywood Undead are a force to be reckoned with. They can be easily described as a unit rather than a band. Each covering all bases, if one isn't singing, they're playing guitar. As one of them begins to rap, the singer is moving on to play the drums and so on. And what is awe inspiring is that at no point do they drop a beat. Each move is done with intricacy. They are cohesive and in sync at all times and this just adds to the spectacle of their show. Then add in the fact they have an incredible back catalogue of songs, which they showcase here with both new and old making up tonights set list, it all makes for an incredible night. Masked bands can easily fall into the category of gimmick but not Hollywood Undead, they embrace their alter egos with an attitude and flair which shows in their songs and showcases the talent this band has. The UK were thrown into the ring and hit full force by this titan of a band and we can't wait for the next round.
Hollywood Undead - https://www.facebook.com/hollywoodundead/?fref=ts
Photos - Friswell Photography