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Interview With 'Farro'

This month sees Josh Farro embark on his UK run of the 'Walkways' tour. We shall be photographing and reviewing the Manchester date, but before it all kicks off we took the opportunity to have a brief chat with the man himself.

Hey Josh, we'd like to start by saying welcome to the world of '3 Songs & Out' and thank you for taking the time to talk with us. While it is easy to focus our questions on your days in Paramore, we instead would like to focus on the here and now.

So with that in mind let us get straight to it.

1. With your UK tour about to commence, how would you sum up your thought process before the tour begins?

My thought process is all over the place haha! Not only am I trying to come up with the best show possible for the fans, I’m working really hard with my management on all of the logistics on how to get the right equipment, merchandise, etc., across the pond. It’s stressful but going to be so worth it!

2. Does a UK audience offer you a different experience than say our US counterparts?

Yes, absolutely. I don’t know what it is but there seems to be more of an appreciation for music over in the UK. Every friend I talked to that has performed over there agrees with me. So kudos to you guys!

3. And a question I'm sure many of our readers would like to know, what is your favourite thing about the UK?

I love the feel of the UK in general. There is so much history there that the US doesn’t have and it’s very intriguing. Plus the fish and chips are pretty awesome.

4. Shifting our focus to your latest release 'Walkways' Tell us a little bit about it and why our readers should check it out.

Walkways is super fresh and original. I feel like there’s not many artists out there that sound like us. The album over all just has really good vibes and will leave you feeling pretty dang good.

5. We have seen that recently you teamed up with 'GoPro' to bring to life the video for 'Walkways' how did that come about?

My manager actually came up with the idea one day and I thought it was brilliant. So we reached out to GoPro, sent cameras to friends all over the world, and compiled all of the footage. I’m definitely very happy with the results!

6. Was it a great feeling to have such a unique control over the creation of the video?

Yes, it totally was. Where there are no limitations creativity thrives.

The rest of our questions have been presented to us via our social media.

7. Have you ever come face to face with someone within the music scene who has left you awestruck and why?

Kind of. My wife and I recently saw Coldplay and Chris Martin walked right by us and high-fived her. It was quite shocking to say the least. There stood a band that has been a major inspiration to me since I was in grade school.

8. If you had one artist/band that you could go on tour with tomorrow who would it be and why?

Definitely Coldplay. I love just about everything they do from their music to their live show. They are in my opinion The Beatles of our generation.

9. You can spend an hour with a musical icon living or dead, who would you pick, why and what would you speak about?

I would pick Elvis. He fascinates me. Such a talented human but at the same time very strange, lol. His style from the way he talked to what he wore was unlike anyone ever. He was so original and unique and I’m sure I could learn so much from him.

10. And finally and most importantly is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?

I have no idea haha! I’m not sure I’ve even seen Die Hard all the way through. :/

We just want to say thank you for taking the time to answer our questions and we look forward to catching you at the Manchester show.

Thank YOU guys for this opportunity! See you there!

So there you have it, words from the man himself, now all you need to do is make sure you get yourself down to one of the dates.

Nov 17 - Waterfront Studio, Norwich

Nov 18 - Key Club, Leeds

Nov 19 - Think Tank, Newcastle

Nov 20 - Cathouse, Glasgow

Nov 22 - Sound Control, Manchester

Nov 23 - Bodega, Nottingham

Nov 24 - Mama Roux's, Birmingham

Nov 25 - Fighting Cocks, Kingston

Nov 26 - Moles, Bath

Nov 28 - Joiners, Southampton

Nov 29 - The Borderline, London

Finally why not check out his video for 'Walkways'

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