The Movie Life - Manchester Academy 21.11.2017
The Movie Life, after being on mute for over a decade, played their last show of their U.K tour in Manchester within the cosy Manchester Academy 3 venue. The venue being fairly small made the show feel very intimate. Although it has been a while for the band, their Manchester fans belted out cheers as the members approached the stage, followed by sing-backs to their favourite TML lyrics, whilst lead singer Vinnie Caruana encouraged his fans to join in, not that they needed to be asked, their fans were already on their way singing along. The Movie Life’s stage presence certainly grew the energy in the room, also bringing along a bouncy atmosphere were support acts, the London boys of Wallflower and from my own personal home town of Blackpool, Nana White Pepper.
The Movie Life -
Wallflower -
Nana White Pepper -