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Tomorrow Is Lost - 'The Shadowman' EP Review


1. We Are The Lost

2. Insane

3. Rapture

4. No One Knows

5. Shadowman

Tomorrow Is Lost are not a new name to this reviewer (I don't say that very often do I?), they hail from my area and were one of the excellent support acts the first time I got to go see Twisted Illusion on their UK tour earlier this year, they were impressive then, so how does the EP stack up against my drunken memory of that night?

Straight out of the gate on "The Shadowman EP" Tomorrow Is Lost hit the ground running with the anthemic "We Are The Lost" a tune which seems destined to inspire singalongs at gigs, it gets the adrenaline pumping that much is for sure, Cass King's vocals are absolutely incredible her voice has huge power (a necessity keeping up with the backline as they storm through like a juggernaut) I can see exactly why this band are on a roll right now.

"Insane" might slow the pace slightly but this in no way diminishes the impact of what builds to become an intense Rock ballad replete with some stunning twin lead work. So far I feel like this band can craft epics as powerful as their quicker numbers, an excellent one-two punch at the start of the EP, one might expect to sit back a little but 'Rapture' is a toe-tapper for sure, with a stop-start breakdown that seems to briefly showcase the whole band, then erupts into a solo only to tear it's way back to the chorus.

"No One Knows" starts out with a nice sludgy down-tuned(?) riff until Marc Rush's drums kick in at a fair old speed, this gives the feeling of the song lurching to life but there's no overall tempo change, it's the drumming that kind of propels the song forward most satisfactorily. The titular track has an epic feel as it builds during the verses to a crescendo at the chorus, again the song is littered with some hugely satisfying lead work and twin guitar harmonies, I sometimes forget how effective twin guitar riffing can be in places other than the end of "Hotel California" but Joe Mac and Ryan O'Hara are more than capable of providing numerous examples of twin guitars used right.

So although it has been a while since I saw the band this EP reminded me of what I enjoyed during their support spot with Twisted Illusion earlier in the year (was it January or February?) Cass King's vocals are truly stunning throughout, but add to that the raw power of the band as a whole along with the mature songwriting talent for a band who started only 18 months ago, and this is a group who deserve your attention.

Review - Mike McLaughlin

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