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Blunt Force Karma - 'Night Terror | Fate' Single Review

I should probably preface my review by stating that Blunt Force Karma identify themselves as a Melodic Death Metal band and of that description I personally lean more towards the melodic part. Whenever I see Death Metal in a review request I am often filled with dread. And not because I hate it, I certainly appreciate it and its relevance within in the Metal landscape, but more because I often don't feel I know enough to review fairly.

But here I am writing a review all the same, "Why?" you may ask. Well because Blunt Force Karma are fucking good.

Excellent in fact.

And whilst their Death Metal leanings are certainly present, the melodic elements are the reason I've stuck around.

Who doesn't love a tasty riff in their Metal and Blunt Force Karma offer them up in droves. The melody oozes through in the vocals as well and whilst obviously harsh vocals in nature as the Death Metal themes would suggest, you can hear the strength of the voice within the screams and personally I feel they offer up almost Metalcore vibes in the process. A dirty word for some I know.

Of the two singles released I have fallen for 'Night Terror' more, you could easily imagine it being played on the stages of any major Metal festival and it going down a treat. That's not to say 'Fate' is not without its merits. The previously mentioned riffs hook you in throughout and overall make for a really strong Double A-side release.

It's lead me on to check out their other single 'Hellfire' which I am also loving. All 3 songs have been added to the playlist.

Whilst more Thrash in nature, think Trivium in their 'Ascendancy' error way back in 2004 and how the world was the limit and the heights they achieved. Now look to 2024 and beyond and I think Blunt Force Karma are laying the groundwork to see what heights they can reach. And I'll be watching.

Review - Sean Friswell


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