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KoRn - Scarborough Open Air Theatre, Scarborough 08.08.2024



I first saw KoRn way way back when they were still wearing Puma and opening for Primus on their first visit here to promote that debut album that took everyone’s breath away! Seen them many times since yet it certainly doesn’t feel like 30 years go that it all started!

Yet here we are celebrating three decades of one of the instigators of the Nu Metal scene and whilst it hasn’t been smooth sailing all the way it’s great to see them currently back headlining to very receptive crowds.

Tonight we are at Scarborough Open Air Theatre and the queue of thousands of likeminded metal heads stretches down the street almost to the shore. It’s my first time here but my pal tells me he’s never seen this sized queue here before.

Sadly we missed Loathe due to weather traffic and queue but all reports have been positive.

Wargasm were up next and WOW they just took my head off. From the moment they hit the stage it’s 100mph, 100% energy and the crowd responded in kind with mosh pits a plenty throughout the set.

By the time the cage like fence is lowered at the front of the stage and the KoRn logo is projected onto it you’ve totally forgotten you’re in a seaside town not really known for a metal affiliation.

The crowd fill the air with yells and cheers as that fence raises revealing their five heroes who blast into 'Rotting In Vain' from 2016's 'The Serenity of Suffering'. Jonathan Davies in his trademark Adidas tracksuit (sparkling green) centre stage behind the Giger alien mic (which has become as iconic as the tracksuits in their live set up) spits out the lyrics while Head and Munky either side of him crank out those down tuned riffs with dreadlocks flailing.

'A.D.I.D.A.S' is surprisingly early in the set and sees the crowd erupt and bodies fly over the barrier. It’s a bold move being one of their biggest songs until you realise just how many other bangers they have in their catalogue.

'Clown' takes us for our first delve into the debut and although Ray Luzier and Ra Diaz weren’t in that original line up their take on all those off kilter drum fills and bass lines hold the songs together in style.

'Start The Healing' is the only track tonight from latest release 'Requiem' and shows they band still have it,

Luziers’ drum solo sees the heavens open and there’s no where to hide from a soaking but that’s soon put to the back of the mind as that all too familiar ride cymbal and guitar intro leading to the 6000 strong crowd bellowing “ARE YOU READY ?" and going insane as 'Blind' blasts from the PA taking us back to the very start of it all and that creepy shadow over the swing cover of the first album.

The production for these shows is off the chart, the projections and lights surrounding the band totally enhanced each performance at times almost hypnotically trippy.

Also massive shout out to the guy side stage in the spotlight providing British Sign Language for each track my guess is he’s never signed the word “ Fuck” as many times in 90 minutes as he did tonight!!

The hits keep coming 'Got The Life', 'Falling Away From Me', 'Coming Undone' (with a cheeky 'We Will Rock You' bit in the middle) and closing the set with 'Y’all Want A Single' again seeing the salty air filled with 6000 “Fuck That’s!!!“

The familiar drone of the bagpipes signals the bands return to the stage with blistering 'Shoots & Ladders' (including a segment of Metallica’s 'One').

Closing the night with the frantic 'Divine' into 'Freak On A Leash', Korn proved tonight why they’re still here thirty years down the line causing mayhem in the auditorium!

Have to say Scarborough Open Air Theatre played a blinder (pun intended) having Korn play in the middle of the run of mostly pop acts here’s hoping they continue to get rock/metal acts in seasons to come as tonight proved it can work big time!

Photos & Review - G's Gig Shots

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