Teri Gender Bender – 'Catspeak' EP Review

1. Like No One Else
2. Lost In The Gold
3. Outsider
4. Misery And Us
5. Nicole Speaks Out
Teri Gender Bender is a new artist for me, my first question is why. I’m a big fan of artists who are unique, who don’t follow the rules, who want to try to push the boundaries and who sound like no-one else.
This EP sounds like an excellent playlist on random, it touches so many genres, it subverts any assumptions you might have and it challenges you at every turn but it’s never less than highly enjoyable at it’s worst and brilliant at its best.
When at one moment you think you might be listening to Hazel O’Connor circa Breaking Glass, then next you think it might just be Kate Bush, then it’s Courtney Love, then Liz Phair, then all of a sudden it’s acoustic but almost dance, you realise you’re in the presence of something unique, an artist who is going to do things their way or not all.
I haven’t enjoyed an EP so much in a long time, mostly because I never quite knew what to expect next but the one constant was the quality of every song, Teri Gender Bender is a very talented songwriter who makes me want to go and explore her back catalogue and wait with anticipation for the second EP she’s promised this year while putting this EP on repeat.
It’s just brilliant, there is no other word for it. It would be hard to pick a best track, over the five songs it’s so consistently good that nothing lets the EP down, the problem with that is it’s all so good whoever needs to decide what the single should be is going to have a very hard time!
Teri Gender Bender, she is on a mission to open your mind, make you listen to great music and not be so stuck in your ways, all of that sounds great to me, it should to you as well, go buy or download this EP, it’s one of the best things I’ve heard this year!

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/TeriGendrBendr
Review - Iain McClay